Here are the ministries to get Mahama’s four remaining deputy ministerial appointments

Following John Mahama’s assumption of office, his pledge to limit the government to 60 ministers has been implemented. So far, 56 ministers and deputy ministers have been appointed to various regions and ministries. However, despite 54 officials being sworn in, four deputy minister positions remain vacant.

The president has hinted that not all ministers will have deputies, leaving many Ghanaians curious about which positions will remain unfilled. According to, the four vacant positions are:

  • Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • Deputy Minister for Communications
  • Deputy Minister for Health
  • Deputy Minister for Transport

While the reasons for the delay in filling these positions have not been officially communicated, many speculate that it is due to the challenge of selecting the most qualified candidates.

The party reportedly has an abundance of qualified individuals capable of occupying these roles.

Writer: NAYA

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