Renowned Ghanaian preacher Dr. Mensa Otabil has stated that, based on his knowledge of the scriptures and church history, about 95 percent of people who call themselves prophets in Ghana are quacks.
Dr. Otabil indicated that these quacks have infiltrated Ghana and have tarnished the reputation of the genuine few men of God. Speaking during a church sermon, he emphasized that if prophets of God are not properly defined according to the New Testament of the Bible, all kinds of fraudsters will call themselves apostles.
In a video shared by Songsandproverbs on TikTok on March 9, Dr. Otabil said, “If we don’t define who a prophet is properly from the New Testament, then all kinds of charlatans, crooks, and assorted individuals will emerge. What happens is that they mix things up, and it destroys the credibility of the genuine ones.
“It has to be defined, and boundaries have to be created so that you just don’t get up and call yourself something. There is no vocation in the world where you simply get up and declare yourself a professional. Someone starts a church, has a few cockroaches and lizards roaming in a classroom, sets up chairs for them, and says, ‘I am an apostle.’ Do you know what an apostle is? But because there is no clear definition, people just get up and assign titles to themselves. This causes the right things to be destroyed, the foundations to be ruined, and the voices of those who should be heard are drowned out because the quacks have saturated the market.
“I have said it, and I will say it without any shadow of doubt: based on my knowledge of the scriptures, my understanding of church history, my theological reasoning, and my experiential observations, about 95 percent of people who call themselves prophets in Ghana are quacks,” he stated.
Writer: NAYA